In addition to the in-class teaching, students can gain practical experience through a Missionary trip. Upon graduation, first-year students obtain certificates in Christian Studies. Second-year students obtain a Diploma in Christian Studies

Is for all who want to study the Word and principles of God, and become bold in what they know. It is for anyone who wants to study to show themselves approved unto God. To graduate 1st year, thirty (30) courses must be completed.
- Creation & Fall of Man
- Student Development
- Foundation of Faith
- Humanity of Christ
- Blood Covenant
- Person of Holy Spirit
- Honoring & Relating to Your Pastor
- Evangelism
- Old Testament Survey
- Supernatural Finances
- Prayer
- How to be Led by Holy Spirit
- Righteousness
- Name of Jesus
- Grace
- Cults & Religions
- New Creation Realities
- Marriage & The Family
- Missions
- Healing
- Submission & Authority
- Authority of the Believer
- New Testament Survey
- Praise & Worship
- Studying the Word
- Love Walk
- The Woman Question
- Eschatology
- Gifts of Holy Spirit
- Diligence

Is designed for the individual who knows that God has a specific call on their lives and would like to prepare themselves for it. This is an internship program. You must have attended the first year at ACBS or another approved Bible School, to be considered. To graduate 2nd year, twenty-six (26) courses must be completed.
- The Love Walk #2
- How to Study Refresher
- Church History
- What Jesus Said About the End Times
- Holiness
- Drawing Near to God
- The Triumphant Church
- He Gave Gifts
- Goal Setting
- Systematic Theology
- Hermeneutics
- Developing the Vision
- Calling and Separation
- Prayer #2
- Homiletics
- Understanding the Anointing
- Ending Strife in the Church
- Paul and His Gospel
- Spiritual Guidance
- Ethics and Integrity
- Leadership
- Communication
- Doctrinal Integrity
- 100 Years of the Holy Spirit
- Deliverance Question/Spirit World
- Steadfastness and Obedience
- Success Principles
- Elementary Principles of Christ
The registration Fee is $50.00.
- First Year $50 CAD per course
Second Year is $60 per course. - $1,300 CAD may be paid in full for the first year.
- $1,600 CAD may be paid in full for the second year.
The cost of books is extra.
A Registration Fee of $50 must be received before you begin your first class. It is economical if you pay your tuition fees of $1300.00 in full before the start of the program.
To graduate in the First Year, 27 courses must be completed and at least 72 service hours must be fulfilled.
To graduate the Second Year, 28 courses must be completed and at least 72 service hours must be fulfilled. If you are paying on a per-course basis, the cost per course is $50. You must inform the Office if you choose this option and payment must be received one week prior to the start of class. You may not begin a class if payment has not been received. You must contact the Office if at any time you are experiencing difficulty in paying your fees.
All applications must be received fully complete and with a $50 deposit. To qualify for 2nd year, applicants must have first completed the full 1st-year curriculum at ACBS or another recognized School. (This must be pre-approved by ACBS Administration.)
Please note that each applicant must complete the following application forms
- Attendance
- Service Record
- Punctuality
- Assignments
- Reading
- Preparation
- Writing
- Respect
- Dress Code
- Graduation
Attending class is mandatory. You must attend every class and special event unless you are unable to do so because of illness or an emergency. In the case of unexpected absences, you must call the office on the day to excuse yourself.
If you know that you will be away due to family commitments or occasions, you must give the Office advance notice of one week. Up to three (3) excused absences will be permitted for the duration of the class year.
Attendance marks will be deducted for unexcused absences or if you miss more than three classes. Weekly Church attendance is expected and it is a highlight to your student life as God continues to reveal Himself to you in the corporate worship setting.
Students are expected to complete 72 service hours in their local church. Areas of Ministry must be pre-approved and you must consult with the Office if you are not already serving. Your service record sheet must be signed by the Leader of the ministry on a quarterly basis.
Just as important as attending is arriving on time as well as staying for the entire class. Plan to arrive 5 minutes before the start of class. Late is late, whether it's 2 minutes or 25 minutes; it’s disruptive and disrespectful. You only have a few hours a week to meet as a class and that time is important—it’s the core of your learning.
It’s important to hand in assignments on time. Handing your assignments in on time shows that you can manage your time. Should you have difficulty in handing in your work on the due date you must email the Office to request an extension. Hard copies of assignments are required and must be submitted at the start of the class. Emailed assignments will not be accepted. Consideration of assignments will not be given beyond thirty days of the deadline and at that time a mark of zero will be recorded for the assignment.
It is your responsibility to make up any work missed and obtain any information or notes or audio copies relating to assignments or work. Audio copies remain the property of Ambassadors for Christ Bible School and may not be shared with other persons or organizations. Assignments due on the day of your absence must be submitted at the start of the next available class. Do not submit assignments to instructors or the Office outside of class time.
Picking Up Assignments
We will endeavor to return assignments and tests to you within three weeks after a course ends. There may however be a delay if the instructor is from out of town.
If you’re finding that some of the readings set are difficult, you don’t need to feel alone. Most people feel this way. It’s normal to have to read sentences more than once in order to understand them, especially if you are required to write about the text. You’ll be grappling with challenging ideas and it is not supposed to be effortless.
You may have learned to read 15 years ago or more, but your reading skills will continue to develop in new ways as you study. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide.
Arrive at every class prepared to study and learn, if readings have been set make sure you do them before class.
Writing your assignments can be overwhelming at first especially if you have not had to write for a few years.
Think about what you might want to do ahead of time and consider seeking advice from the instructor or the Office. He or she can suggest questions you might think about or point out key sources you should look at. However do not ask the instructor for his or her notes. If you have missed a class ask a classmate to help you get up to speed.
Respect is to be shown to all Pastors, Faculty, and Staff. Respect is to be shown to all classmates.
ACBS is considered a safe place for students to ask a question without fear of reproof or rejection. Sleeping in class is not permitted; it is a sign of disrespect to your instructor and classmates. ―A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. ―By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another, John 13:34–35
Dress code: Students are required to dress neatly and appropriately for classes.
Graduation: To graduate the First Year, 27 courses must be completed and at least 72 service hours must be fulfilled. To graduate the Second Year, 28
courses must be completed and at least 72 service hours must be fulfilled.
Ready To Take The Next Step?
Students leave with a clear vision of God’s plan for their lives, ready to transform the world. Receive the same teaching, ministry, impartation, healing and anointing from any location.